The first presidential television debate featuring all four major candidates - Democratic Party's Lee Jae-myung 이재명, People Power Party's Yun Seok-yeol 윤석열, People's Party's Ahn Cheol-su 안철수, and Justice Party's Sim Sang-jeong 심상정 - will hold its first televised debate tomorrow, February 3 at 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. local time. (6 a.m. to 8 a.m. EST.)

Fans of South Korean politics can have a watch party at the beta version of The Blue Roof's Discord server, which you may join at this link. The TBR Discord has more contents and commentaries on South Korean politics that could not fit in the newsletter, as well as lively discussions of Korea watchers. For a preview of the watch party format, the TBR Discord watch party for the Lee Jae-myung vs Kim Dong-yeon debate (which happened on February 2) is available at this link.

For viewers in the Western Hemisphere and Europe (and, let's be honest, for TK's sanity,) the watch party will be a delayed live coverage beginning at 10:30 a.m. EST tomorrow, February 3. See you there!