Photo: The northernmost railway terminus in Cheorwon, South Korea.  Credit: the Blue Roof.

In the RealMeter poll conducted in the wake of Moon Jae-in 문재인’s call to end the Korean War before the United Nations General Assembly and North Korea’s killing of a South Korean defector, there was nearly an even split on whether South Korea should pursue the end of war declaration with North Korea and the United States.

A slight plurality - 49% - favored the end of war declaration; 46% opposed. The response was strongly partisan: eight out of ten Democratic Party 민주당 supporters favored ending the Korean War, while three out of four People Power Party 국민의힘 supporters opposed. People in their 50s and 60s tended to favor the declaration more, polling at 54.6% to 40% and 52.3% to 40.8%, respectively.