Liberals Lead in Policy: Data

In every area except real estate.

Liberals Lead in Policy: Data

Credit: Public domain.

The ruling conservative People Power Party 국민의힘 and the main opposition Democratic Party 민주당 are neck-and-neck in approval ratings in many polls - but liberals hold a clear advantage when the public is asked about policies.

NBS’s regular survey, conducted for the second week of November, asked respondents which party would do better in six policy areas. In five out of the six - national security, social welfare, public health, employment and mitigating economic polarization - Democrats led the PPP, with the lead extending beyond the margin of error in the areas of social welfare (40% to 29%), public health (40% to 31%), employment (35% to 29%) and mitigating economic polarization (35% to 24%). In the area of national security, the Democrats’ lead fell within the margin of error at 40% to the PPP’s 37%.

In one area, however, the PPP maintains a clear advantage: real estate policy, where it led the Democrats 36% to 24%. Small wonder, then, that the PPP and the Yoon Suk-yeol 윤석열 administration are laser-focused on pushing their real estate policy as the April 2024 General Election 총선 approaches. (See previous coverage, “PPP Doubles Down on Real Estate.”)

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