All Presidential Candidates Deeply Unpopular

The favorability numbers for all four major candidates are deeply underwater.

All Presidential Candidates Deeply Unpopular

Photo: Lee Nak-yeon, Lee Jae-myung, Yun Seok-yeol, Hong Jun-pyo.  Credit: the Blue Roof.

The presidential race has essentially narrowed to four candidates - Lee Jae-myung 이재명 and Lee Nak-yeon 이낙연 for the Democratic Party 민주당, Yun Seok-yeol 윤석열 and Hong Jun-pyo 홍준표 for the People Power Party 국민의힘 - but apparently, the voters are not happy with any one of them.

According to a Gallup Korea poll conducted from September 14 to 16, the favorability for all four candidates was deeply under water. The favorability/unfavorability split for Lee Jae-myung was 34%-58%; Yun Seok-yeol, 30%-60%; Hong Jun-pyo, 28%-64%; and Lee Nak-yeon, 24%-66%.

In comparison, in a Gallup Korea poll conducted three months prior to the 2017 presidential election, Moon Jae-in 문재인’s splits were 47%-46%.

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